Fasting to Build Your Faith in God
Fasting strengthens your faith because it reinforces your reliance on God. When you learn to rely on God, you automatically grow closer to Him. What a benefit!
Welcome to the 84th issue of The Aim and Soar Life, a weekly newsletter about faith, personal growth, and lifestyle that provides actionable, relatable, and biblically rooted content to help you live abundantly and GROW YOU. GOD’S WAY.
Happy Sunday, Friend!
When I was a kid, my older relatives always told me that as I got older, time would seem to move faster. I have found that to be true. We are rounding the corner to November in just a few days. I can’t believe it! I hope October brought you a little joy and laughter. If not, I hope today’s post will.
As I’ve focused on the theme Closer for the last month, I’ve explored a few spiritual disciplines like prayer, reading, and studying.
But there is a spiritual discipline many of us overlook, and therefore miss out on the vast benefits the spiritual discipline offers.
This spiritual discipline is fasting.
Don’t go throwing tomatoes at me just yet.
I was having a conversation with one of my relatives about why we should fast. The relative responded by saying, “Well, God didn’t tell me to fast.” So, of course, I pointed out that Jesus himself fasted.
God doesn’t have to “tell us” to fast. He has already demonstrated in His Word that we should fast!
If we are to emulate Jesus and witness to others with our lives, then we need to do what He has taught us.
More importantly, Jesus told us in Scripture that there are some challenges in our lives that can only be dealt with by prayer and fasting.
21 [a]However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Matthew 17:21, NKJV
Matthew 17:14-21 tells the story of the disciples being baffled as to why they couldn’t cast out a demon from a man’s son. In verse 20, Jesus tells them it was because of their unbelief (lack of faith). Then He goes on to add, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
We will be met with difficulties in our lives that will require devoted prayer and fasting—a serious focus on communing with God.
Reading a daily devotional here and there won’t cut it.
Therefore, you should view fasting as a necessity.
Even if you feel like your life is going great right now and you are not experiencing any challenges, be mindful that there are Christians in other parts of the world who are being persecuted for their faith.
And in our own country and communities, there are plenty of situations that should prompt us to pray and fast regularly.
Fasting is a special way to focus on God. You are intentionally setting aside time to pray to God and to listen to Him. When you forego physical nourishment and allow the Holy Spirit to be your nourishment, He will supernaturally provide you with what you need.
Fasting strengthens your faith because it reinforces your reliance on God. When you learn to rely on God, you automatically grow closer to Him. What a benefit!
God responds to our humility and sincere effort to get to know Him more deeply and seek His guidance for our lives. He is the good Father who wants His children to be confident in the fact that they can rely on Him for all their needs.
When you fast with a pure heart, you deepen your intimacy with God.
If you’ve ever been in a love relationship before, you know having special conversations just between the two of you creates intimacy and reinforces the love you have for your special person.
God wants you to be real when you seek Him more closely by fasting. It’s a private matter between you and Him. Unless you are engaging in a corporate fast, it’s no one else’s business but you and God.
Imagine giving all your attention to God and Him responding to you lovingly.
16 “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the [a]hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18 so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you [b]openly.
Matthew 6:16-18, NKJV
Notice in Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus said when you fast, not if you fast. God expects us to fast. He wants you to meet Him in the quiet places where it’s just the two of you.
What a beautiful way to bond with your Father.😍
Fasting is also a way for you to experience the joy of God as you fast, worship, and pray.
The burdens of life can make us feel disconnected from God. We become overwhelmed with our jobs, family life, and sometimes even church ministry.
Fasting is a way for you to slow down and reconnect with your Father in a more intimate way. As you focus on Him, He becomes bigger in your life, and the burdens of life become less of a mountain as God showers you with His peace.
Fasting is a way for you to slow down and reconnect with your Father in a more intimate way. As you focus on Him, He becomes bigger in your life, and the burdens of life become less of a mountain as God showers you with His peace.
God has the answers to all you need.
Build your faith in your Father by trusting Him with every part of your life.
I pray you have a beautiful week this week. Experience God’s joy by setting time aside this week to fast and pray. God is waiting to hear from you!
Peace and Love.
Until Next Time,
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