If You Really Want to Live Your Best Life, You've Got to Disciple Others.
We are responsible for discipling those whom God sends to us. We are to teach them the word of God and show them how to apply the word to their lives so that they experience a transformation.
Welcome to the 72nd post of The Aim and Soar Life, a weekly newsletter about faith, personal growth, and lifestyle that provides actionable, relatable, and biblically rooted content to help you live abundantly and GROW YOU. GOD’S WAY.
Happy Sunday Fam!
Have you been living beyond your best life this month???
True story: I saw something disturbing on social media this past week.
Normally, when I see something ridiculous on social media, I just keep scrolling. I like funny stuff, so social media is the place where I get a few laughs. I filter out the rest of the junk.
Last week, someone posted a woman who looked to be in her late 60s or early 70s, twerking at a party or family gathering (If you’ve never heard of twerking, good for you ).😂
Not only was “Grandma” twerking, but she also proceeded to get down and hump the floor.
Sorry. I know this is a faith-based newsletter, but I’m going somewhere with this.
The comment section blew me away. Sadly, there were way more people who defended the Twerking Grandma’s behavior than those who spoke against it.
And I kept thinking: Y’all got to be kiddin’ me!😳
They praised Grandma for having fun. Minding her business. Doing her. Living her best life.
A few commented on the woman’s lack of decency and pointed out that she was too old to be carrying on that way.
In my opinion, the Twerking Grandma was not setting an example for anyone to follow.
Too often, we chide young women for dressing and dancing in overtly sexual manners. We criticize and condemn them instead of teaching them how to live a life that is acceptable to the Lord—a holy life.
And here we have a woman who was probably close to her 70s or maybe even in her 70s, acting in a manner that was inappropriate for public consumption.
And surely, her behavior wasn’t holy, neither should it have been posted for the world to see. That’s my opinion and I stand by it because it’s not based on what I think or feel, but what it says in Scripture.
I am reminded of Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus in Titus 2:3-5, in which he provides a framework for training the Cretans (and us) on holy living so that they could be a sound church.
3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5, NKJV
When I look at these verses, the word discreet jumps out at me right away. The word reverent also jumps out. In the KJV, instead of the word “reverent,” it says, “that they be in behavior as becometh holiness.”
These should be the characteristics of women of God.
The verses teach us that older women are to be teachers of good things and show the younger women how to have self-control, and how to be good mothers and wives.
To break it down, the older women in the church are to teach the young women how to represent God. Period.
Elders in the church are to instruct the younger believers. We are supposed to be examples for our younger members to follow.
I do not consider myself a prude, nor am I self-righteous. I believe in having fun. God doesn’t have a problem with us having fun, as long as that fun glorifies Him. Our fun can’t always be what the world considers fun because we represent God.
We are responsible for discipling those whom God sends to us. We are to teach them the word of God and show them how to apply the word to their lives so that they experience a transformation. We should also share with them the wisdom we have gained through our mistakes, trials, and spiritual successes.
If we are not doing this, we are not obeying The Great Commission. We must disciple after we have led people to salvation. We can’t just drop the ball and leave them to try and figure out spiritual disciplines and holiness for themselves.
18 Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of[a] all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember,[b] I am with you always,[c] to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-21, HCSB
Those who are new in Christ or who don’t know Christ at all should be able to look to us for instructions on right living. The problem is they look to the world.
Back to the Twerking Grandma.
She may not know God; therefore, her behavior is shaped by what she sees happening in the world. Because of her lack of knowledge, she perhaps doesn’t realize that she is an influencer whether she chooses to be or not. A lot of young women out there saw that post and it validated wrong behaviors for them—behaviors opposite of what it states in Titus 2:3-5.
As for those of us who know God, we have a mission to accomplish.
Each of us believers is called to make disciples. We must take that charge seriously and be intentional about it so that our legacies are full of people we have supported on their Christian journey and whose lives have been transformed by the word of God.
I am reminded that I was put here to do what God has called me to do, which is to teach His word and exhort. To make disciples.
If you don’t train young Christian men and women, the world will.
Use this week to connect and disciple. Discipleship is an ongoing process. It’s necessary for your spiritual growth and the spiritual growth of those whom you disciple.
There is someone who needs your instruction and wisdom!
Peace and Love
Until Next Time,
I’d LOVE for you to meet me on the web: