If You're Tired of Waiting on God...
While preparing for our blessings, sometimes life throws all kinds of obstacles, detours, and stop signs our way. It can feel like we are stuck in a never-ending spiritual traffic jam.
Welcome to the 90th issue of The Aim and Soar Life, a weekly newsletter about faith, personal growth, and lifestyle that provides actionable, relatable, and biblically rooted content to help you live abundantly and GROW YOU. GOD’S WAY.
Happy Sunday, Friend!
Some of the pages of my prayer journals are stained with tears; you can barely see the words on the page because I cried them off!
I was talking to my godbrother this week about a serious situation I’ve been dealing with, and he asked me, “What is your alternative?”
Hint: There is no alternative.
I have to wait on God. I can’t get ahead of Him by crafting my own solution to the problem because I know from experience (and you should too) that God’s ways and timing are better than mine.
One bright idea of mine can quickly turn into total chaos and wreak havoc on my life and “ain’t nobody got time for that!”😂
So, I’m waiting. And it’s not easy.
While preparing for our blessings, sometimes life throws all kinds of obstacles, detours, and stop signs our way. It can feel like we are stuck in a never-ending spiritual traffic jam. Yet, most of us don’t like to admit the realities of the Christian life—like becoming frustrated, losing hope, and being weary of waiting on God.
Are you tired of waiting on God? Are you angry? Do you feel like throwing in the towel?
This post is for you!
Hiding in Plain Sight
We hide behind perfect smiles, and sayings like, “I’m too blessed to be stressed,” or “I’m blessed and highly favored.”
While these sayings may be true, it doesn’t mean that we don’t grow weary while we are waiting. It doesn’t mean we don’t get tired of waiting or even angry about having to wait. When you have been praying your heart out for God to move in your life and it feels like He has left you “on read” (you know as in text messages), it can feel awful and cause you to become discouraged.
Admitting our human frailty can make us feel like failures in our walk of faith. So, what do we do? We hide. We retreat.
But I’m of the school of thought that God would not have left us the Psalms and other books of the Bible that express our human condition if we weren’t ever going to experience pain and doubt.
If you don’t believe me, check out what David said in Psalm 13:1.
How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?Psalm 13:1, NIV
Does this sound familiar? It does to me! I could have written these words myself because I have surely felt this way many times during my walk with God.
Here’s what you can do if you are overwhelmed right now and tired of waiting.
Don’t Hide
God knows that we will experience moments of despair and hopelessness, but He doesn’t expect us to stay there and wallow in them.
Life hits hard! That is truth on top of truth, but we have to stand strong.
You can’t hide from God. He knows every angry word in your heart. He knows your frustration, and He understands your pain. You might as well come clean.
It’s okay to not be okay at times. This is when God does His best work in your life. Remember His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:19, NIV
There is nothing wrong with telling God exactly how you feel about your situation. Go ahead get angry. Cry your eyes out. He is the only one who can change your situation or change you!
Be vulnerable and honest. God wants to hear from you!
Ask God the Right Questions
I don’t know about you, but when I’m going through something I don’t want to go through or that I’m tired of going through, my first question is always, “Father, when is this going to be over?!!”
A more appropriate question is: “Lord, is there any unconfessed sin in my life?”
Another great question is: “Lord, what is it that you want me to learn in this season?”
When we are waiting for God to move, we need to make sure we are doing what we should be doing. Unconfessed sin could be hindering your prayers.
Ask God if you are doing anything that is blocking you from hearing from Him or blocking Him from answering your prayers. Hmm…too much murmuring and complaining perhaps??? (And remember five fingers are pointing back at me when I’m pointing at you!)
Is He waiting on you to be obedient to something He has called you to do in your season of waiting??? Sometimes we overlook the quiet nudging of the Spirit when we want our way!
Ask God the right questions!
Maybe God wants you to learn something in this season. You can ask your friends and family all you want, but only God has the answers you need.
Ask Him the right questions and wait for His response.
Be Thankful and Praise Him
If you don’t think God is moving fast enough, be thankful. His timing is perfect!
We have no idea of the things God protects us from. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are crying and complaining about God’s “Nos” and “Not nows.”
There is no doubt that if you are a Christian your life is not filled with happenstance. It is ordained. It is ordered by God. There is rhyme and reason to the things that are happening in your life even if you create a hot mess by doing your own thing. God is still working on your behalf to bring good in your life and to make you look like Jesus!
I’ve said this before and I’m saying it again. God is not wasting any of your moments. Not your pain. Not your weariness. Nothing.
God is taking all your experiences and using them in a way that will put you on the path He’s set for you.
Be thankful that He is God and that He goes ahead of you!
Praise Him for being a GOOD GOD!
Your waiting is preparing you for the next season! Submit to God’s authority over your life.
Thank Him for the good He is doing even if you feel like life is upside down right now.
Thank Him. Praise Him. Bless Him.
I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.Psalm 34:1, NKJV
Peace and Love.
Until Next Time,
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