There is a certain peace you experience when you know exactly what you were born to do. Execute the plan God gives you and pursue it with heavenly confidence.
Welcome to the 44th post of The Aim and Soar Life, a weekly Christian personal growth and lifestyle newsletter that provides actionable, relatable, and biblically rooted content to help you live abundantly and GROW YOU. GOD’S WAY.
Greetings to You!
This is the first post of 2023, and I am SO very excited! I can’t remember being this excited about a new year. God is faithful! The theme for the month is “Yes!”
I don’t make resolutions. On the last day of each year, I reflect on the challenges and obstacles I faced. I reread the prayers I’ve written in my journal and take note of the ones God has answered. I take inventory of situations or people I need to release, as well as things I need to practice in order to serve God more wholeheartedly in the upcoming year.
As I considered all these things and thought about what my message would be, it dawned on me that 2023 is the year of “Yes!”
Keep reading to see what I’m saying “yes” to, and maybe you can develop your own “yes” list.
1. Saying “Yes” to Growing Closer to God and Doing Whatever He Calls Me to Do.
The more I grow in Christ, the more my focus changes. It’s no longer about what I want. Instead, I focus on what God wants for me and I pray for His will over my life. This means letting go of some dreams and situations that don’t align with His will. It takes spiritual maturity. I will be the first to admit, I don’t have it all together. I am a work in progress. And that’s okay. I ask for strength to submit to His will. Nothing else matters.
Allow God to be the love of your life and everything else will fall into its proper place. Embrace your calling. There is a certain peace you experience when you know exactly what you were born to do. Execute the plan God gives you and pursue it with heavenly confidence.
2. Saying “Yes” to Good Stewardship.
We can serve God better when we take care of the resources that He has entrusted to us. One of the ways I am practicing good stewardship is by taking better care of my physical self. For me, this means eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing my intake of junk food (I’m the unhealthy-snack queen😂), and being more consistent with exercise so that I can be healthier overall to serve God with my body.
I am also focusing on financial stewardship by continuing to tithe and increase my giving to my home church and other ministries. Debt impairs our ability to use our financial resources for the body of Christ, so I am zeroed in on eliminating all debt.
You can create a plan to identify the areas of stewardship you need to focus on and execute the plan. Connect with someone who can be an accountability partner. Having a buddy when you are working on a goal is encouraging and motivating.
3. “Yes” to Following My Dreams Without Fear.
This year, with the help of a creative coach, I accomplished some things I’ve been dreaming of doing, like starting this blog/newsletter. The support I have received has been wonderful! Imposter Syndrome is real. We sometimes feel inadequate and don’t think we have what it takes to follow our dreams. But one thing is certain: when God places a desire in your heart to do something, you can’t fail as long as you are operating in His will.
Even our dreams can become idols if we get ahead of God. We’ve got to remember to put ourselves in the “backseat” and let God do the driving!
What dream has God placed in your heart? Ask Him for guidance. Write your vision down. Pray over it. Be committed to seeing it through. Someone needs the gift God gave you!
Let this year be your year of “Yes!”
Until Next Time,
I’d LOVE for you to meet me on the web: